SewGreen Rochester SewGreen Rochester

Annual Meeting

Hello friends! It’s that time of year again. The SewGreen Rochester Annual Meeting! It will be held on Sunday, March 16th at 2pm at the shop. This is an opportunity for everyone in the community to celebrate our accomplishments in 2024 and to learn more about where we are heading in 2025. See you there!

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SewGreen Rochester SewGreen Rochester

Spring into March

This March, we will offer our usual Crochet and Knitting Clubs, Open Sew, and Sew to Give. For times and dates of our other classes, see the information below or the calendar on our new website (under classes). Read about our exciting updates too! We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you at SewGreen.

SewGreen Streamlining Operations

So that we can better serve our community, SewGreen is getting a new website, complete with a new logo and new email addresses. Mike has been busy analyzing data and investigating how to best coordinate SewGreen's needs; he also designed our new website and logo. This will be our last Notions Newsletter in this format - kindly follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and bookmark our website for updates. Please sign up for our new monthly blog using the subscription form (pictured here) at the bottom of our blog page, which will start in April.





CLASSES & Scholarship Inquiries

Georgia Carney Retiring?

Georgia Carney founded SewGreen Rochester in 2015 with loads of help, and even though she is stepping away from her roles here, she is not retiring. She is moving on to help others in need. Episcopalian Deacon Georgia pivoted her career in professional theatre to help out at soup kitchens by mending clothing and connecting with people. This led to sewing workshops. After that, SewGreen Rochester was born from inspiration given by a friend, writing a grant, and advice from Wendy at SewGreen Ithaca. Volunteers on the board and in the shop shared their talents to start the shop and are vital today. Georgia came out of her first retirement from the shop during the Covid pandemic. Rather than close, SewGreen Rochester was declared an essential business. The store shifted gears and showed its community spirit by making over 4000 masks, holding a mask decorating contest, and having classes on Zoom. Classes, groups, and community events resumed when it was safe and are going strong. Even though Georgia is moving on to help her family, you can still find her at the Repair Cafe. The message of community, creativity, and sustainability continues to resonate with Georgia, who will again lead Fashion Camp this summer. We are grateful to Georgia for all she has accomplished at SewGreen and wish her well in her endeavors.

Tuesday Crochet Club

Tuesdays from 11 AM – 1 PM. Whether you are new to crochet or are a veteran, Heather leads this club to help each learn or take the craft further. It’s more than making afghans, though you can get pointers on those, too. Crocheting has become popular in fashion, home décor, and in constructing toys. Come join us!

Heather crocheted her Bills spirit into this hat, and can help with your project!

Open Sew on Thursdays 

Thursdays from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 2:00 - 4:00 PM. Do you have some machine sewing skills but need assistance with a project? This is the place to get help. Machines are available, or you can bring yours.

Thursday Knitting Club

Thursdays from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. We continue to offer the free Knitting Club. Sue helps beginners learn, but can also assist the more knowledgeable knitters solve problems. Some of our knitters started with the basics, but have graduated to projects like shawls and socks, even sweaters. Wherever your skills are, you are welcome to come to the knitting table.

Sue demonstrates how to fix a dropped stitch.

Class Information 

Sign up for classes online or call the store. Each class costs $15. (Supplies are provided unless noted)

Sewing 101 

Saturday, March 1, 15, & 29 from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM and March 1 & 29 from 1 – 3:00 PM . Because of high demand, we have added more classes for this introductory sewing machine course. Are you relatively new to sewing on a machine? We'll take you through the basics of machine operation and safety, and guide you toward sewing a pillow or bag. $15

Beginning Crochet  

Saturday, March 8 & 22 from 1 – 3 PM. Learn the basics of crochet in this introductory class. Ages 10 to 100. $15 

Beginning to Knit

Saturday, March 15 & 29 from 1 – 3 PM. Have you wanted to learn to knit? This is the class for you! Ages 10 to 100. $15 

 Sew to Give Saturdays

Saturday, March 8 and 22 from 1 - 3 PM There is no charge for these events, held every 2nd and 4th Saturday. Jonathan will demonstrate how to sew cat beds for donation to local shelters. Supplies and instructions for these items are available at SewGreen.

Continue to follow us on social media for updates – sales, unique items, completed projects, and class information. We look forward to seeing you at SewGreen!

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SewGreen Rochester SewGreen Rochester

February Findings

Welcome to the season of love! This month, we will offer our usual Crochet Club and Open Sew, with Knitting Club continuing on Thursdays from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. For times and dates for our other classes, see the calendar above or information below. We will be closed from January 1st through 4th for inventory. We look forward to seeing you at SewGreen.


Tuesday Crochet Club

Tuesdays from 11 AM – 1 PM. Whether you are new to crochet or are a veteran, Heather leads this club to help each learn or take the craft further. It’s more than making afghans, though you can get pointers on those, too. Crocheting has become popular in fashion, home décor, and in constructing toys.

Open Sew on Thursdays 

Thursdays from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 2:00 - 4:00 PM. Do you have some machine sewing skills but need assistance with a project? This is the place to get help. Machines are available, or you can bring yours.


Thursday Knitting Club - NEW TIME!

Thursdays from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. We continue to offer the free Knitting Club. Sue helps beginners learn, but can also assist the more knowledgeable knitters solve problems. Some of our knitters started with the basics, but have graduated to projects like shawls and socks, even sweaters. Wherever your skills are, you are welcome to come to the knitting table.


Inventory Success!

Our January inventory was PHENOMENAL! Every inch of the store was tallied in one day, with many hands making light work. The efforts of our staff and volunteers amounted to a whopping 68 person hours. We are grateful for their dedication and are ready to help you.

Sewing 201 

Saturday, February 1 or 15 from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM. In this follow-up class to Sewing 101, you will make your very own tote bag with handles and pocket. You will learn project planning, fabric selection, measuring, cutting, pinning, and hemming. Bring your sewing machine to class if possible. $15

Simple Alterations: Hems

Saturday, February 1 from 1 – 3 PM. Do you have jeans that are too long? Pants or skirts just a tad too short? Learn how to shorten jeans without losing the original hem, or how to open hems on pants or skirts to add a little extra length, or hem fine garments by hand-stitching the hem in place. Hand sewing skills required. Bring your own project! $15 

Tunisian Crochet  

Saturday, February 1 from 1 – 3 PM. Build on your existing crochet skills with Tunisian Crochet! Ages 15 and up. $15 

Cloning a Garment: How to Make a Pattern 

Saturday, February 8 from 1:00 – 3:00 PM. Do you love a piece of clothing and would like to clone it? Bring the garment with you to class and learn how to create a pattern, and then cut the material so you can make it. $15

Beginning to Knit

Saturday, February 8 from 1 – 3 PM. Have you wanted to learn to knit? This is the class for you! Ages 10 to 100. $15 

Sewing 101 

February 8 or 22 from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Are you relatively new to sewing on a machine? We'll take you through the basics of machine operation and safety, and guide you toward sewing a pillow or bag. $15

Paper Piecing for Quilting

February 12 from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM. A traditional quilting technique whose popularity has risen in the last few years. Foundation paper piecing is like the paint-by-numbers of quilting. Using a paper template, you stitch both the fabric and the paper together along printed lines. Remove the paper, and voila! You have a perfectly pieced block. Linda provides a few patterns to choose, from beginner to more advanced. $15

Serger 101 

February 15 from 1 - 3 PM. Have no fear - you will learn how to use your serger here! Bring your own machine, or use ours. $15

Beginning Crochet  

Saturday, February 15 from 1 – 3 PM. Learn the basics of crochet in this introductory class. Ages 10 to 100. $15 

Zippers without Fear

Saturday, February 22 from 1 – 3 PM. Have you mastered sewing machine basics but want to spread your wings? Have no fear, the zipper class is here! Sew two zipper bags in our fun and supportive environment. For ages 13 – 103. $15

Kawandi Quilting

Saturday, February 22 from 1 – 3 PM. Kwandi quilting originated in western India from African influences. You will learn to hand sew a placemat by layering scraps on top of each other. The edges are turned under and stitched together, with the batting laid inside. You may finish this project by machine. $15

 Sew to Give - Winter Muffs

February 8 & 22 from 1:00 – 3:00 PM There is no charge for these events, held every 2nd and 4th Saturday. Jonathan will demonstrate how to sew a winter muff for donation to those in need. Supplies and instructions for these items are available at SewGreen.

Continue to follow us on social media for updates – sales, unique items, completed projects, and class information. We look forward to seeing you at SewGreen!

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